Hysbysiad- Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol
Mae gwahoddiad gwresog i chi ymuno a ni yn ein Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol ar
Ddydd Mawrth 21 Ionawr 2025 am 5.15pm
Os ydych yn awyddus i ymuno a fyddech cystal a gadael i ni wybod ac fe anfonwn y linc i chi.
A fyddech hefyd cystal ag ymateb erbyn Dydd Mercher 15 Ionawr 2025 drwy e-bost i dawn.stones@dasunorthwales.co.uk
Edrych ymlaen i weld pawb.
Annual General Meeting Notification
You are cordially invited to our Annual General Meeting which will be held at our Rhyl Offices
16-18 Edward Henry Street, Rhyl, Denbighshire. LL18 1TE
Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 5.15pm
Please respond by Wednesday 15th January 2025 to dawn.stones@dasunorthwales.co.uk
We look forward to seeing you.
You are cordially invited to our Annual General Meeting which will be held in our Wrexham Office on
Tuesday 17th January 2022 at 6.00pm
Please respond by Monday 10th January 2022 to dawn.stones@dasunorthwales.co.uk
We look forward to seeing you.
Address 47-49 King Street, Wrexham. LL11 1HR
Mae gwahoddiad gwresog i chi ymuno a ni yn ein cyfarfod cyffredinol blynyddol a gynhelir yn ein swyddfa yn Wrecsam ar :
Ddydd Mawrth Ionawr 17 ain 2022 am 6.00 pm.
A fyddech hefyd cystal ag ymateb erbyn Dydd Llun Ionawr y 10 fed 2022 drwy e-bostio
Edrych ymlaen i weld pawb!
The World Cup 2022
Domestic abuse is unacceptable at anytime, however, during large sporting events like the World Cup, organisations like the Domestic Abuse Safety Unit (DASU) see an increase in referrals. Based in North Wales, DASU gets a new referral every 15 minutes from someone who needs help because of the abuse they have suffered at the hands of a partner or family member and this is before any large events like the World Cup
Research shows us that incidents of domestic abuse can increase by 38% when a team loses and by 26% even if they win. The abuse tends to be highest about 10 hours after kick off. Much of this is often associated with heightened emotions and tensions and factors like increased alcohol consumption, drug taking and gambling.
DASU’s Chief Executive, Gaynor McKeown says ‘regardless of what team is playing and what sport tournament is on, or how much alcohol is consumed, perpetrators of domestic abuse are the only ones responsible for the suffering they inflict on their partners and family members. There is no excuse’
For many people who are already in abusive relationships, tournaments like the World Cup create intensive times of anxiety and fear of what their partner will do
Gaynor adds ‘whilst the police may see an increase in calls because of the football, this is likely because the abuse has escalated. It may mean the individual was experiencing abuse before the tournament and it won’t stop just because the football has finished’
If you or anyone you know is experiencing abuse from a partner or family member you call DASU on 0333 3600483 or email info@dasunorthwales.co.uk . If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and you can also call the Live Fear Free Helpline on 0808 8010 800 24 hours a day.